
July 24, 2017//She's the bee's knees and I am the cat's meow

There are a lot of places that I have yet to see, but everywhere I have been has bored me. Maybe I haven't found the place that will hold my heart just yet, or maybe I haven't dug deep enough into any place for roots to truly grow. I don't know if I want to go to school. Honestly, I just don't think college is meant for me right now. I want to see things and explore. But if I was to wait to start school, I would be giving up thousands of dollars in scholarships. There is one person who makes me feel insane emotions. I can't help but feel so many things when it comes to them. They hold great power over me. I try to be rash and level headed. I want to open up but it comes with mountains of fear. I need to let go of this fear of trusting again. I can't keep everything inside and hidden for this long. I can't let two days of sadness overtake a weekend of rekindling friendships, new bonds, laughter, and happiness.
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